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Venture Out - Part 2


Genesis 11:27-12:9 * Hebrews 11:8-10 * 1 Chronicles 7:14 * Matthew 6:34


Last week we discussed living in faith by following God’s calling on your life and our church family. This week, our sermon focuses on stepping into the uncomfortable to follow where God is leading you in His calling over your life. This calling may move you towrds radical stances, moves, and/or decisions. Even though this may be true, God’s call on your life is always necessary and gracious; pushing you into growth for your good. God doesn’t call the quali ed, He quali es the called. Even though God’s calling may come with a cost (mentally, emotionally, and even nancially), He will always prepare you. What you need for the next season is what God is doing now in you.

“God’s Call changes you from the inside out because God comes to you from the outside in.”

- Jeff Clark “Growth demands a temporary surrender of security.” - Gail Sheehy


* What stood out to you in the sermon? Did God challenge, convict or encourage you in any way? What were some points that stuck out to you? * How do you know what God’s call is in your life? * There are two seperate callings in your life: Being faithful with the spiritual gifts God has given you (1 Corinthians 12:4-11) and, secondly, submitting to authority (Romans 13:5-7). What are your spiritual gifts? How are you serving in them? Some spiritual gifts are (can be found in 1 Cor. 12: 8-10, Ephesians 4:11, and 1 Peter 4:10-11): wisdom, knowledge, faith, teaching, hospitality, prophecy, evangelism, administration, pastor teachers, speaking, serving.

* Could there be something in your life that God is calling you out of ? A sin, a worry, a person, a circumstance, that is drowning out the call God has placed on your life? How can you make changes to let go of these things, this person, or how can you give this to God so that you can clearly hear and follow His calling on your life?

* Within our church, God has given us a calling to reach the unchurched. This calling is go- ing beyond our sight and daily routines into communities outside of our own. How are you being faithful to serve this calling God has given you as a part of our church family? Giving of expenses? Time? Service?


Do not worry about tomorrow and the toils it brings (Matt. 6:34). Do not wrestle with the nit-picking of guring out this calling; God reveals this to you through the reading of His Word, through humble prayer and seeking Him out in all things (2 Chron. 7:14).

Be diligent to listen to God as you pray to Him. Seek what His calling may be in your life. Hear it. Surrender to it. Grasp it. Make the time, value, expenses, and energy to stick close to that calling in your life!

In the midst of being obedient and faithful to God’s calling in your life, God will bless you and make you a blessing to so many others. - Jeff Clark

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