KXP, formerly known as 252, is our small group bible study experience for kids in kindergarten through sixth grade. It meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. at both The Lincoln Road Campus and The Hunt Club Campus. It also meets from 6:00-7:30 p.m. on Wednesday nights at The Lincoln Road and Hunt Club Campus during the fall and spring semesters. Summer KXP only meets on Sunday mornings at both campuses.
In KXP, the curriculum is uniquely written to mirror Jeff Clark’s teachings in an age appropriate way. KXP lessons are presented in a small group as well as a large group environment. In KXP, our core values are:
Teach the truth
Partner with parents
Keep them safe
Make it fun
Each month will have a biblical truth, called “God’s Big Idea” and a singular verse that we will unpack each week in small group.