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Life University - Part 4


Galatians 1:10 * Philippians 3:8-9 * Psalm 34:8 * Psalm 16 Ecclesiastes 2:1-11


The truth of the Bible is that sin, though it brings only short-term pleasure, will always result in long-term shame, guilt, and misery. God designed a plan from the beginning of creation to bring reconciliation to mankind. From the moment He looked upon Adam and Eve and forgivingly clothed them after their sin, to the moment you came face to face with Him and considered (or surrendered to) Him, God’s plan was not to hold you back, but to free you from the heavy, clancking chains of sin! Remember that God wants us to enjoy the pleasures of life, but not those that go against His desires for our life. The Bible reveals to us more and more about Jesus Christ; from His work and companionship and preparation for the cross in the Old Testament to His life, death, resurrection, promises, and hope in the New Testament. The more you learn more about God, the more you will learn more about His desires for your life (some people call this desire of His a “calling”).

“...fallen man is not simply an imperfect creature who needs improvement: he is a rebel who must lay down his arms.” - C. S. Lewis


* What stood out to you in the sermon? Did God challenge, convict or encourage you in any way? What were some points that stuck out to you? * What is the measuring stick of morality? Think through this (C.S. Lewis calls it the moral reasoning). There is an inate reason we all know good from bad if we are honest. Jeremiah 31:33 says, “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.”

* Paul talks about “winning the approval of man” in Galatians 1:10. Do you nd yourself doing this at times? Be honest and share how this can hinder your faith. * Philippians 3:7-9 declares that we are righteous by our faith. Seeking pleasure from worldy things can hinder our faith in trusting God. Knowing this, how can you remind your- self daily (in the midst of this crazy world) of this truth?


Seek: The joy of the Christian life is to seek lasting joy and pleasure in God. From this ows the true meaning of life - knowing Jesus and being know by Him. Discipline: Make the Lord your supreme treasure. Are there things you have put before Him? Take this week to write those things down and re-evaluate how you can give those over to the Lord.

Remember: Life’s purest pleasure is centered around God’s death and resurrection. Have you allowed Jesus to be the joy and pleasure of your heart and mind? He defeated death and He can handle whatever you have to give Him.

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