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Venture Out - Part 1


Hebrews 11:8-10 * James 1:6 * 1 Timothy 4:12 * Galatians 3:22 * Galatians 2:20 *


Have you ever thought of why we have the church name “Venture?” God has had a plan for our church family to venture out into not only our surrounding communities, but also into the unknown. When Pastor Je Clark was praying about where God was taking our church family, Hebrews 11:8-10 was given to him as a reminder that there are times that God calls His people to take steps of faith, even when you do not know where those steps may take you. This week, our sermon focused on three main areas: going, living, and seeking. Let’s break some of these areas down below a little bit further.

GO: As we go into new areas as a church family, think about and be reminded of your “why.” What motivates you to be a part of our church? You can help make the gospel available for so many people by giving towards Venture Out. Venture Out is our resource initiative that will raise money to lay the foundation of why we must “venture out” into new areas where there are large number of people who don’t really know Christ personally. In our Growth Groups this week, we will be using our time together to pray for Venture Out.

LIVE: Abraham was on a pilgramage. He was asked to leave the comfort of his routines and lifestyle and venture into the unknown for God. This was not a sel sh ask of God for Abraham. It was an ask that would bring us to where we are today in our faith as Chrisian believers. Abraham is known as the father of our faith, the great missionary that stepped out in faith to accomplish for God what seemed unaccomplishable. Abraham did not wait on perfect conditions. God asked him to go and he went. As you follow Jesus Christ, God asks for your faith, not the perfect timing for faith. God sees the big picture of your life. He sees the end result of every plan He has for you. Trust in Him as you take steps of faith and know that every step is cushioned by His faithfulness. Do not be prideful enough to sit still in your routine of comfort and predictability. God has greater plans for you to grow into a strong solder for Him and for yourself. Your desire to be in control could be leading you to worship circumstances, and fall into fear and anxiety. Living in faith for Jesus is much better than this.

SEEK: Seek circumstances that lead to an eternal outcome with God. Just as Abraham stepped out in faith because he knew that there was only one thing he could rmly place is trust in - God, you seek that opportunity to serve God and others so that it will have a lasting and eternal effect in their lives.


* What stood out to you in the sermon? Did God challenge, convict or encourage you in any way? What were some points that stuck out to you? * Hearing that there are 65% of people who do not attend church in the Pine Belt, 65-75% who don’t attend in the Stone County area and 80% that do not attend a church in the Gulf Coast area, does this break your heart? Does this urge you to want them to know about Jesus like you do? Share your thoughts on the importance of these locals knowing Jesus! How does knowing Jesus a ect a community?

* How can you live your life to venture out in the face of an uncertain future? We all feel worn out and overwelmed, confused, tired and anxious. How can you take risks, let go of control, and push through to follow God’s purpose in your life? If you don’t know what your purpose is, make sure to read God’s Word and be in Christian community together so that you can discover the desire He has for your life.

* What will it take for you to give of your resources, to make changes so that people can be sent out in order to reach more people here and at two other campuses in highly unreached areas? * Is there something in your normal daily routine or expenses that you could cut so that you could use that money to invest in the gospel being shared in these areas? For example, taking a break from Spotify, eating out so frequently, holiday purchases, etc.

* What type of person are you when it comes to following God’s di cult, maybe even unknown, asks in your life: Pioneer (let’s go!), middle adopter (I’ll follow), or settler (I’m good)?


GO: If you’re not going, you’re probably not growing. Evaluate your life right now. Are you being challenged, reaching others outside of your normal clique, taking risks in your faith or stepping out of your normal routine at times? If not, you’re probably not allowing God to grow your faith, use you to your greatest potential and stretch you to strides of excellence for Him.

GIVE: Begin praying about what you (or your family) can give towards taking the gospel into unchurched areas. Venture Out is dedicated to making this happen in a relevant way in communities that we can reach for the gospel to be made known! What can you begin setting aside or doing without to save money and committing to pray for this Venture Out resource initiative?

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