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Church Life March 19

On Sunday, we had the privilege of not only being able to meet Lee Smith and his wife, but we were able to hear his first sermon to our Venture Church family. Pastor Smith will be over our Recovery Groups, which will begin on March 25 at our Hunt Club campus. For more information about our Recovery Groups, click here.

Pastor Smith's powerful sermon was shared with 1,914 at our Lincoln Road campus, 328 at our Hunt Club campus and 144 at our Church Online campus. Those in the East Venue were blessed to witness one baptism.

Pastor Lee shared many thought provoking tidbits for us to ponder. Did you know that the voice you listen to will determine the future you experience? Did you know that the longer you walk with God, the better you will be able to know His voice? In one day, we all have at least 65,000 thoughts but 48,000 of them are of a negative nature. If you missed Pastor Lee's message, please click here to watch it.

This Saturday, please mark your calendars for our Work Day at our Lincoln Road Campus, from 7-11 a.m. If the Work Day gets rained out, it will be moved to next Saturday, March 28.

This Sunday, we will be having Next Step, which is our pathway to partnership, at both the Hunt Club and Lincoln Road campuses. For more information, please click here.

Club FX, our family experience, will meet on Sunday, March 29, at 3 and 5 p.m. at The Hunt Club Campus. Easter egg hunts will happen at 2:30 and 4:30 p.m. Bring a friend and don't miss out on the fun!

The Bridge, our monthy college student experience, had 178 students meet on Tuesday.

Our Easter services this year will be on April 3 & 5. For more information, including times, click here.

Pastor Jeff is back this Sunday and will begin his new sermon series "Proof". That series will take us through Easter.

Have a blessed day and we can't wait to see you on Sunday!

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