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Life U Part 1


Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 * Ecclesiastes 1:14 * John 1:1-14 * Genesis 3 * Romans 1:20 Matthew 6:24 * Hebrews 13:5


We spend so much of our life searching. Searching for meaning, love, identity, riches, a better life, a better body...the list can go on and on. We see Solomon, the man who had it all. He tried to nd life in everything this world tells us will make us happy. But he began to question this life. Why am I here? What is my purpose? And with wisdom from God, he realizes all of this “stu ” - love, pleasure, pow- er, popularity, wealth, success - cannot satisfy the soul. The world cannot provide true meaning for life because without Him, we cannot live fully. When we live for eternity, we get REAL life! When we live for this world or ourselves, we only lose ourselves and live a continuous cycle of trying to please and prosper. If you still question whether God is real, I challenge you to read in His word, keeping an open mind that there may be more to this life here on earth. You know deep down there is more. There is meaning. There is a reason.


* What stood out to you in the sermon? Did God challenge, convict or encourage you in any way? What were some points that stuck out to you? * Do you struggle with doubt? Do you wonder if God is real? Use this time to write down or ask questions about your doubts. Take a second to research or discuss or nd in the Bible an- swers to these questions. A good resource online for research is The concordance in the back of your bible can help you as well.

* Do you feel trapped by the mundane of life? How can we nd our purpose in this life – write your thoughts or discuss together? How can we encourage and lift up each other in our walk with Christ? * Are you living life fully for Christ or are you trying to “cheat the system” - a little God, a little fun, a little religion? Living for Christ does not mean life will not be fun. When you begin to focus your eyes on who Jesus is, you will be begin to see that the things this world views as “fun” are not what makes a life truly full.

* What is it in your life that is holding you back from giving your all to Christ? Your looks? Friends? Addiction? Sel shness? Money? Worry/Trust?


Stop: Do not waste your time and energy trying to seek approval from man. Talk with God about everything and seek his will and approval in your life. “But seek rst the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” Matthew 6:33

Remember: “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2

Refocus: Wake each day in prayer for God’s will. Allow Him to guide your steps and thoughts during the day. Meditate on His word and allow Him to speak to you. Remember everything in this life is for His glory. “Let your light shine before men so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16


“A Life Well Lived” by Tommy Nelson * “Be Satisfied: Looking for the Answer of the Meaing of Life” by Warren Weirsbe

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