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Dominican Trip May 2016

Last week, Venture Church sent out its first medical mission team in partnership with Global Effect to the Dominican Republic. This team of twelve came back with incredible stories, and we want to share some of those with you. During the two clinics that they ran, the team, led by Dr. Lowe, Dr. Bailey and Nurse Practitioner Marlena Bradley, was able to serve over 175 patients. The team was also able to pass out vitamins, antibiotics, ibuprofen and other medicines that can sometimes be hard to come by in the Dominican Republic.

A day of the trip was spent passing out 40 water filters to local communities. These water filters can last last over ten years and can produce five gallons of clean water every hour.

Finally, and perhaps most important of all, multiple people the team got to serve in the Dominican committed their lives to Christ! Thanks to your prayers, the money you help our team members raise and the fact that so many of you are willing to give up weeks each year to serve on these trips, communities in the Dominican Republic are able to be eternally change by the love of Christ.

Check out some of our favorite pictures from the trip below.

Dr. Bailey treats a patient on the first day of the medical clinic.

While distributing water filters, a mom asked for prayer for her little girl. Dr. Lowe got to check up on her. A medical professional was a part of each team that went out to distribute water filters so that they would be able to continue to help meet medical needs.

The man in the wheelchair at the center of the picture had been paralyzed in an accident. When team got to this community, friends and neighbors asked Dr. Lowe to come check on the man. After the clinic the whole team visited with him. The man was strong in his faith and was thankful that the team was able to meet with him and encourage him.

Before leaving on the trip, Dr. Lowe's clinic in Hattiesburg donated money for team to take with them. After meeting this man, the team decided that this was the perfect opportunity to use the money that had been donated. With that money, the team was able to send the man to a specialist. Before the team ended their time with this man, they sang worship songs that the translators were able to translate.

The team was able to set up their medical clinic in a local school.

The team was able to visit a site called Holy Hill. This a a historic site where many believe that Christopher Columbus erected the first cross in the New World.

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