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Focus: Week 2

This week’s point is: Focus on grace.

In the car today (maybe on the way home from school or on the way to baseball practice,) ask your child if they’ve even been made fun of or treated badly. Maybe someone at school said something really mean. Maybe someone stole something from him or her, or said something untrue about. How did that make your child feel? Sometimes, it’s hard to show grace. Grace is goodness from God--a free gift that we don’t deserve. When we focus on God, it’s easier to show grace. In 252 this week, we learned about Zacchaeus, a tax collector who did a lot of bad things and cheated people out of their money. Jesus showed grace to Zacchaeus by going into his home and showing love and kindness to him. This grace from Jesus changed Zacchaeus from the inside out. He gave back everything he stole from others, and then some. How can you follow Jesus’ lead and focus on grace today? Who can you forgive? Remember our memory verse? “Think about things that are in heaven. Don’t think about things that are only on earth.” -Colossians 3:2 Say a prayer together that God would help your son or daughter show grace to someone this week.

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