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Prepare Your Heart #4

Even though we live in a society that grows more and more socially connected every day, research has shown that we are also suffering from loneliness more than ever. If your perspective is based on Facebook, the average number of friends a person has is about 350. But in reality, most people say they have zero to one person they would truly consider a confidant. So, where do we turn? For many, God seems distant, disconnected or maybe even abstract. But the complete opposite is true - He is a close, compassionate and personal Father. Jesus Christ, as both fully God and fully human, experienced 33 years of life on Earth even unto a horrific death. And, this wasn't for His own benefit, but for yours. That you would know in your darkest moments and your most despairing battles that He gets YOU - everything about you. Two weeks ago, Jeff Clark walked us through the betrayal of Jesus - He knows what it’s like to be hurt by those you love and trust the most. Last Sunday, Jeff showed us that Jesus also knew what it was like to be judged by the church - by the very people who should have welcomed Him. And, when Jesus was on the cross, He knew what it felt like to be entirely alone. As He shouldered our sin hanging on a cross, the Bible tells us that, "Jesus groaned out of the depths, crying loudly, 'Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?' which means, 'My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?'" In those moments, Jesus, all alone, took our punishment. We have a God who fully experienced hurt, disappointment, pain and loneliness, and He is ready to help us unburden and overcome our own. In Isaiah 43, God says "I have called you by name; you are mine.” So as Easter Sunday approaches, remember this: in a sometimes lonely world, if you are His, you are NEVER alone.

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