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Prepare Your Heart #1

It seems like we just put away the Christmas decorations, and suddenly, it’s March! With March comes baseball, Spring Break and......Easter. Yes, Easter is in March this year, too.

If our lives have been reclaimed by God and repurposed for God, then we all know that we have a story to tell only because of the Easter story. It’s that important. And maybe every year you tell yourself that this Easter you’re going to get your heart and mind right for a special season of worship. You're going to do more than just give up coffee or chocolate or Facebook for Lent. You’re going to be intentional about soaking up the miracle of Easter so that it sinks in and settles deep in your heart. But when life gets really going, as it always does, those good intentions seem to slip away, and Easter has come and gone.

This year, we want to partner with you leading up to Easter so that you can intentionally prepare your heart for worship. Over the next four Tuesdays, we'll be sharing a quick devotion that reflects on the 24-hour period leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus.

Today, read Mark 14:22-25:

"While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, 'Take it; this is my body.' Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, and they all drank from it. 'This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many,' he said to them. 'I tell you the truth, I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it anew in the kingdom of God.'"

In this scripture, we see that the disciples had sat down for a holiday meal. That's something we can definitely relate to in the south. Picture sitting down with your friends and family, passing the fried chicken, the greens, and trying to save room for your mother's famous banana pudding. It's the kind of holiday meal you've had every year, but then, something different happens. Jesus begins to speak. To be honest, you're not really tracking; you know he's sharing truth, but it's not making sense. One thing's for certain though - something big is about to happen. You can feel it in the air, a sense of expectation.

This week, try to hold on to that sense of expectation. Something big is coming - something that will literally change the world.

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