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Church Life Jan. 7

Pastor Jeff's first sermon of 2016 is officially in the books. There were 2,380 of you at our Lincoln Road campus, 459 of you at our Hunt Club campus and 108 of you joined us at Church Online. If going to church was one of your many resolutions, you did good! One week down, 51 more Sundays to go. Worship at Venture is so much fun! The atmosphere, the volunteers making everyone feel welcome, the coffee, the seating (no hard and sometimes cold wooden pews), our amazing musicians and last but not least, our pastors.

Pastor Jeff began 2016 with the first of five sermons in the "Cold Turkey" series. "Cold turkey" is a term describing the actions of a person who gives up his habit or addiction at a single moment, rather than gradually easing the process through tapering off. Pastor Jeff told us what we all already knew about our new year: We are all worried about the same resolutions as the last year. We are asking ourselves "How can I lose weight?", "How can I be more financially strong?", "How can I stop smoking, eating or any other vice I have?". How about instead of all of those questions that we ask ourselves at this time every year, we ask ourselves, "How can I grow into a more loving relationship with the God who made me?" If a bell didn't go off in your head when he spoke those words, than you may not have been listening. All of us need to follow that advice and see where God takes us in 2016. Notice I said, "God takes us, not where we will go in 2016." Remember, it's not about us.

Not only did we start a new sermon series but we had our very first baptism of 2016. Those visiting us in our East Venue at our Lincoln Road campus, got to witness and celebrate this baptism. Pastor Craig asked us to be in prayer that, "these waters are filled every week" with people who are ready to go public with their faith.

The New Year also means it's that time again to begin signing up for our spring semester Growth Groups. On Sunday, January 10th, you can either stop by the adults booth at either campus or click here to find out what groups are offered and how to sign up. Step outside of your comfort zone and join a group that isn't your normal thing. Meeting new people is so much fun and a friend said, "Meeting all these people in our groups makes our church feel not so big."

Are you ready to become a partner or just want to learn more about why we do what we do? Next Step is for you! Next Step is our pathway to partnership here at Venture and it's happening this Sunday at both campuses. Childcare is available. Click here for more information or to get signed up.

Have a fabulous weekend and don't forget to invite someone to church. We will save you a seat. See you Sunday!


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