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Church Life Jan. 21

Last Sunday the atrium looked a little different. Lots of people were running around in CONNECT shirts, asking "Can I help you find a group?" Yes! It was our first ever CONNECT Sunday. Not only could you get hooked up with a new group to do life with this spring, but you could also get a sugar high from all of those Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Over a hundered of you decided that Sunday was the day to finally say yes to a Growth Group. Which is good, because Growth Groups begin Sunday. If you haven't signed up for a group yet, it's still not too late. There are a wide range of groups that vary in topics, days and times. If you need more information, or to get signed up, click here.

Growth Groups aren't the only thing kicking off on Sunday. I know your children are ready for 252 to begin and this Sunday is the big day! 252 retuns this Sunday! Also, get ready college students, because The Bridge is finally back this Tuesday at 7 p.m. at The Hunt Club Campus.

On Sunday, Pastor Craig continued our "Cold Turkey" series by talking about comeback stories. He gave us some great points for us to remember: Our faith is personal, but it's not private. All comeback stories require faith. Our Father finds! Jesus doesn't let sin win. Our Healer still heals. He's never done healing. His love is enough. And finally, press on without getting instant results. Our Lincoln Road campus welcomed 2,641, our Hunt Club welcomed 543 and Church Online campus welcomed 188. Our Lincoln Road campus celebrated one baptism and our Hunt Club campus celebrated two baptisms.

If you've missed any of the Cold Turkey sermons, or would like to go back and hear them again, please click here.

Grab a friend or two before you head to church this Sunday. We promise to save seats for y'all.

Have an amazing weekend!


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