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Church Life Dec. 17

On Sunday, Pastor Jeff finished up our " My Crazy Family" sermon series. How many of you thought that people back in biblical times could come from a crazy family? It's good to know that it's not just today's society that has crazy families in it. Pastor Jeff gave us some great suggestions on how to protect our family from craziness. First of all, he said we all need to set boundaries. We all have cravings for various things: flirting, food, alcohol, materialism, etc. Secondly, he suggested that we all get a "Nathan" in our life. Don't keep secrets. Share your passwords, keep your wedding ring on, don't go out clubbing if you are married. By all means, take your spouse out but don't go alone. If you have to travel, ask someone to hold you accountable by asking you what you are watching or doing while you are traveling. Be a "Nathan" to someone else. Receive grace and forgiveness this Christmas by confessing your sins to yourself, confessing them to God and confessing them to the right person.

Our Hunt Club Campus had 430 attend and got to celebrate their 50th baptismof the year! Our Lincoln Road Campus had 2,119 attend and got to celebrate two baptisms. Church Online had 180 log on and join us in worship.

We will have NO morning services on December 20th or December 27th. On December 20th, we will host "Home for Christmas" at both campuses. In addition, both campuses will host "Party on the Patio" after the end of each service. If you aren't able to attend in person, you can join us at Church Online--we'll be live at 1, 3 and 5 p.m. on Sunday. On Christmas Eve, we will have a very special service at both campuses. We will come together as a church family for worship and communion. Click here for everything Christmas and Christmas Eve.

If you missed any of "My Crazy Family" sermons, click here to get caught up.

This is will be our final 2015 blog. Check back in with us after the new year for Spring Growth Group sign ups, and information about when 252, Impact and Recovery will start back up.

As we come to the end of 2015, we are so thankful for every one that has been touched by all of you, our Venture Church family. We will continue to follow our mission "to lead people to know, love and follow Jesus" and to "be the church for the unchurched." Of course, we give God all of the glory!

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!

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