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Church Life Nov. 5

On Sunday, Pastor Jeff started our new sermon series "Spark" by talking to us about treasures. What do you think of when you think of treasures? "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field." Jeff Clark told us. Spiritual treasure is always hidden in unexpected places. We can expect treasures can be found in ordinary people, common people and ordinary places. If you find a spiritual treasure, you will know it because it will change your life entirely.

There were 429 people at our Hunt Club campus, 2,064 at our Lincoln Road campus and 167 guests at Church Online. We also were blessed to witness four people show how God has changed their lives when they were baptized in the East Venue on Sunday.

Whether you have been coming to Venture for a long time or just a few weeks, if you feel like it's time to make our family a part of yours, we would love for you to attend Next Step. Next Step is our path to partnership class where you will learn about who we are and what we believe. Next Step will be held on Sunday, November 15 at both campuses. If you are interested in signing up or need more information, click here.

We are excited to once again be a drop off site for Operation Christmas Child. If you haven't yet, it's not too late to pick up a box or two! All boxes are due back by November 22.

Have a fantastic weekend and we will see you on Sunday!

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