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Church Life Sept. 10

Labor Day is considered by many do be the last weekend of summer. We hope that you, your friends and family took advantage of the warm weather and enjoyed your final weekend of the summer of 2015. Many of you wrapped up your summer by joining us at one of our amazing venues to hear Pastor Craig share his message on our newest sermon series, "Clique". On Sunday, we had 426 hanging out at the Hunt Club Campus, 1,715 the Lincoln Road Campus and 139 at Church Online. If you missed Pastor Craig's sermon, "clique" here to listen to it.

When you heard the word "Clique", did your childhood, your teenage years, your college years or even your work come to mind? Every one of us has been in some sort of a clique or have longed to be a clique. But on Sunday, Pastor Craig taught us how we can be clique busters. Clique busters are people who don't settle for normal. They don't live like normal people and they don't value the same things that normal people do. Pastor Craig shared from 1 John 2:15-17 that we are to not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. For everything in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

Growth Groups started their second week on Sunday but it's still not too late to get signed up! Visit our Adults booth in the atrium or click here to sign up. Remember, growth groups are the ultimate clique busters!

The Bridge, our worship experience for college students and college-aged adults, will be meeting on Tuesday at our Hunt Club Campus. Worship starts at 8 pm but come early for grilled cheese sandwiches!

Speaking of our Hunt Club Campus, Sunday will be a BIG DAY for our church family. We will be celebrating the Hunt Club Campus's one-year anniversary!! Pastor Jeff will be preaching LIVE at our Hunt Club Campus and we will stream it over to our Lincoln Road campus. At 12:30 p.m., we'll cut the ribbon on the brand new two story playground, and give tours of the newly-opened Phase II of the Hunt Club Campus.

We look forward to seeing you and all of your friends on Sunday at Venture!

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