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Church Life Sept. 7

On Sunday we ended "House Party" with a splash! As a part of our special day, each venue pastor got to preach directly to their venue. At our Hunt Club, Pastor Byron shared his message with 446 people. Our Lincoln Road campus, Craig Curtis, Seth Conerly, and Josh Webb got to preach to 2,577 people. 157 people logged on to Church Online and they got to hear from Pastor Craig.

In the East Venue, Pastor Craig gave us a few questions to think about: What was your life before Christ? When did you meet Christ? Do you remember when you accepted Him? How's your life like after Christ? How is your life different with Christ?

After the sermons ended, we got to witness an incredible moment as sixteen people were baptized across all three venues! As excited as we were to watch, we know that the day was even more special for Waylon, Kaylee, Elissa, Thomas, Rachel, Kate, Daveon, Andrea, Brad, Henry, Emily, Garisson, Riley, Harper, Ashley and Phillip as they proudly told the world that Jesus was the Lord of their lives!

Our baptism celebration might have brought "House Party" to a close, but don't miss Sunday as we kick off a brand new series "Cliques!" Join us as we begin to explore what it means to reject the idea of a clique and find our identity, worth, value and security in Christ - not others.

Happy a safe and happy Labor Day weekend!

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