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Church Life August 13

Did you know that only 2% of church people invite people to come to church? This is one of the reasons why Pastor Jeff is so pumped about focusing on invitations this month during "House Party." In his sermon Pastor Jeff said, "an empty chair never got saved." How have you been doing inviting people? Even though it can seem a little intimidating, it's worth stepping out of our comfort zone to help someone get the chance to hear the gospel.

More people seemed to have accepted the invitations you've made so far; there were 534 people at our Hunt Club campus, 2,651 people at our Lincoln Road campus and Church Online had 163 people watching. Who will you invite to "House Party" part 3 on Sunday? We want to fill those empty chairs up so even more people can hear a word from God.

Middle school and high school students, it's time to get pumped because Impact is back! It returns this Wednesday night, August 19, beginning at 6:15 p.m., but be sure to come early--the pizza, brownies and drinks go on sale at 5:30 p.m. Also, be sure to wear your favorite team's jersey; our first sermon series is called "Sidelines" and we'll be having a tailgate to celebrate!

Don't forget that Growth Group signups are in full swing! It's not too late to get signed up so click here or go by the Adults booth in the atrium at either campus and find your community to invest in.

Have an amazing weekend and we'll see you and your friends at the House Party on Sunday!

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