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Church Life July 16

“Do you care enough about those around you to invite them to church? To share your faith with them?” Jeff Clark laid out this challenge Sunday morning as we watched The Truman Show during our second week of At the Movies. As Christians, we are called to share the gospel with others. And often, the first step to sharing with others is by inviting them to church. During the month of June, we asked you to pray for someone you wanted to invite to At the Movies. Now that we’re halfway through the series, how have you done? Have you gotten to invite your person yet? If not, you only have two more weeks of At the Movies to invite them!

Some of you seem to have taken the challenge to heart already, because there were 389 people at the Hunt Club Campus on Sunday, 1920 at the Lincoln Road Campus, and 122 at Church Online. Speaking of Church Online, many of you have taken advantage of the weekly replays—almost 600 of you watched Back to the Future during the week! If you missed The Truman Show Sunday, you too can take advantage of our At the Movies replays at

Do you have pain in your life that you can’t seem to let go of? Are you haunted by guilt and shame? Join us Sunday as we discover how God calls us to live lives free from the prisons of our past mistakes. We’re going to have lots of fun with The Lion King, but don’t miss the powerful message the movie contains.

We hope to see you Sunday, and make sure you come early—we might have a few critter friends for you to meet in the atrium.

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