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Church Life July 9

Not only did we have fireworks last weekend for Independence Day, but on Sunday, sparks were flying here as we kicked off our At the Movies series with "Back to the Future"! The Hunt Club campus had 439 moviegoers, the Lincoln Road campus had 2,095 moviegoers and Church Online had 145 moviegoers. Pastor Jeff made his big screen appearance this week by sharing with us that even though we may feel down and think our lives are over, God is not finished with us. As parents, many of us like to reinvent our history by telling our children half truths. We don't want our children to see how we may have failed in certain areas of our lives but as parents, we need to be honest and share with our children the truth so that they might learn from our mistakes.

This Sunday, we'll be traveling to the little town of Seahaven for The Truman Show. As we watch Truman Burbank navigate his reality show life, we'll begin to see that we have a loving God that longs for a close, personal relationship with each and every one of us.

Are you interested in becoming a partner here at Venture Church? Next Step will meet at both campuses this Sunday. For more information, click here.

If you're intested in helping with preschoolers, our Preschool Ministry has a place for you! Preschool 101 is this Sunday at the Lincoln Road campus. It is a chance to learn a little more about what it means to serve with the Preschool Ministry, as well as offer a chance to sign up to serve! Preschool 101 will meet at 12:30 p.m. at the Preschool Playhouse.

All month long, we'll be serving students in our neighborhoods by collecting school supplies for Thames Elementary and Petal Primary. Pick up some extra school supplies this weekend, and don't forget to drop them of Sunday! Click here for a list of needed school supplies.

We can't wait to see you Sunday, and have a blessed weekend!

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