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Charge: Week 4

When you think of the word “worship” you probably immediately think of the music we sing on Sunday mornings. And, depending on your musical capabilities or preferences, you may or may not look forward to those 15 minutes spent singing out to The Lord each week. But, worship isn’t just for the musically talented, and it certainly isn’t limited to Sunday mornings.

Webster’s definition of worship is “to honor with extreme love and extravagant submission.” When you think of it like that, worship is really a form of expressing what we value most in our heart, and it is reflected in the way we live - all day, every day.

Let’s be honest. In our first-world culture and society that travels 90 mph around work, school, ball games, activities, hobbies and family obligations (the list goes on), worshipping God probably fits more conveniently into our schedules as something that happens on Sunday mornings. But, if worship is a daily overflow of devout love and surrender to God, what does that look like? More importantly, is it possible that you may be worshipping something or someone other than God? Rest assured, we are all worshipping something - God or not.

So, what or who do you live for each day? What or who do you treasure so deeply in your heart that you feel you cannot live without? What or who is it that you lean into each day? The subjects that came to your mind are probably a good indication of where your daily acts of worship are focused. If your answer surprised you, and you suspect your priorities may be out of whack, don’t start the shame game. Determine that you want to start a spiritual revolution beginning IN YOU.

To help you get started, here are four areas where you can evaluate your spiritual life. Choosing to incorporate a few daily spiritual habits WILL ultimately cultivate a life that naturally expresses worship to God.

  • INVITE - If we call ourselves a Christian, we have a simple command to “go and tell” others. This shouldn’t be intimidating; it should be exciting! Are you excited about what God is doing in your life? Do you have a desire for someone you know and love to experience the same? Just start with a simple invitation to church! God’s response to your obedience might blow you away.

  • INVEST - This is all about developing your personal relationship with God. Do you realize that through the power of prayer and reading the living, breathing Word of God, that you are opening the door for the God of the Universe to develop a relationship with you? He’ll do all the work. And remember this ... worship and Christianity were not designed to happen alone. We are meant to be in a community of other believers who encourage us and hold us accountable. Who is in your community?

  • IMPRESS - How are you making an impression on others by serving them? Ask anyone who serves as an expression of worship to God and they will probably tell you that serving blesses them more than it blesses the subject of their service.

  • IGNITE - Are you tithing? Or a better question might be, if someone looked at your bank statement, what would they say you worship? “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21

Psalm 150:6 says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” Believer, your life IS worship. How are you going to worship today?

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