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Church Life June 18

Pastor Jeff continued our "Wired" sermon series on Sunday. He shared with us that Christians are the Church, called by God to be the hands and feet of God. Our Hunt Club Campus had 386 in worship, our Lincoln Road Campus had 1,962 and our Online Campus had 175. Those of you at our Lincoln Road campus were blessed to witness two baptisms. Watch Sunday's sermon here.

On Sunday, we were reminded that God can use the darkest of times to shine a light into our lives. In a video testimony, Officer Jarrod Smith shared how in the midst of the chaos of one of the worst days Hattiesburg has seen, God spoke louder than he had ever heard before. If you would like to watch Officer Smith's testimony, you can click here.

Our Recovery groups are in full swing, but it's never too late to join. Click here to get more information. The summer semester of Recovery meets every Wednesday night at 6:00 p.m. at our Hunt Club Campus through August 5th.

It's the most wonderful time of the year.... No, we're not talking about Christmas---it's almost "At the Movies" time at Venture! We show movies and then Pastor Jeff will shares with us the biblical truth in the movie. This year we are doing "throwbacks" and you, yes you, had a hand in picking the movies we will be sharing with you beginning July 5th. Did your favorite movie make the list? We know that "At the Movies" is one of the best times to invite friends and family who normally don't attend church. Who can say no to watching a movie while eating popcorn and drinking a soda on a Sunday morning? In addition, there's always some other surprises during the month that everyone enjoys. For more information, click here. We can't wait to see you in July.

Join us Sunday as Pastor Jeff continues our "Wired" sermon series. Have a great weekend!

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