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Church Life May 14

On Sunday, after a senseless tragedy in our city, we found ourselves waking up full of questions. How did something like Saturday night’s tragedy come to Hattiesburg? Why did two men who dedicated their life to protecting us have to lose their lives in such a senseless act of evil?

Maybe the most important question we can ask as believers is how do we respond? It was at church on Sunday that God used Jeff Clark to speak four truths into us as we decide how we will respond moving forward ...

1. We need a SAFE PLACE - A safe place is not a zip code; it is wherever the people of God are found. God’s people are to push back the darkness, bring order out of chaos and rise above the fray. 2. We need STILL TIMES - Turn off your phone, your TV and your computer. Stop looking to what the world has to say, and ask God what He wants to say to you. You won’t get a minute, unless you make a minute to be still before God. Our community has the opportunity of a lifetime to be still and, as Elijah did, hear God in the quiet whisper. 3. We need SPECIAL FRIENDS - Christianity has never been about the individual; it is about being a part of a family. We need each other: black, brown, white, rich and poor. We are to walk together and live together as brothers and sisters, shoulder to shoulder. 4. We need SACRED CELEBRATIONS - We need to celebrate the amazing work God does through His people. This is a “we” thing, not a “they” thing. If we come together as one people speaking the same language and loving each other, there is nothing God won't do.

Jeff wrapped up the message with a scripture from Romans - what the enemy intends to harm us, God uses for good to bring about the saving of many lives. We continue to pray for our community, for our heartbroken law enforcement and especially for the two families who lost a precious son, brother, husband or father. Thank you for joining us.

On Sunday, our church welcomed 548 people to our Hunt Club campus, 2,484 to our Lincoln Road Campus and 165 on our Online Campus. We were blessed to witness six baptisms -- two at our Lincoln Road campus and four at our Hunt Club Campus. If you would like to watch Jeff Clark's very special sermon, please click here. Ladies, we hope to see you back this Sunday as Pastor Jeff shares his sermon on God’s design for women. You don’t want to miss it! Also, don't forget that signup for summer Growth Groups are in full swing. Visit the Adults Booth in the church atrium or click here to checkout the full listing of groups and signup. Groups begin the first week of June.

Last but not least, Summer Experience, our camp-like experience for 4-year-olds through 6th graders, is quickly approaching. Click here to get more information or signup.

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