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Church Life Feb. 26

On Sunday, Pastor Jeff continued his sermon series "Grey Matter." He talked about how to be wise with our time. There was a study that states people log on to Facebook for 40 minutes a day. Really? That can't be right, because how many of us spend way more time on it than that? Pastor Jeff talked about where we need to make deposits in our life and he wasn't talking about money. What areas of your life do you need to spend more time making significant deposits in?

Many of you spent time with us Sunday morning. Our Hunt Club had 395 attendees, our Lincoln Road Campus had 2,017 and our Online Campus had 218. Those of you in the East Venue were blessed to witness four people being baptized.

Club FX, our family worship experience, was on Sunday evening. We had 633 children and adults who came to worship with us and have fun!

Frequency, for current production volunteers or those interested in serving, is this Sunday from 5-7 p.m. at our Hunt Club campus.

Our Dominican Republic mission trip is May 11-15 and uur Honduras mission trip is June 20-27. For more information on our mission trips click here or email

Pastor Jeff will be finishing up Grey Matter on Sunday. If you missed any of this sermon series, please click here to get caught up.

See you Sunday!

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