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Church Life Dec. 31

This past Sunday was pretty dreary but it didn't keep you guys from joining us in worship. Pastor Jeff began his new sermon series, "Holiday Hangover". Interesting title to end 2014 on and roll right into 2015 with. Our Hunt Club welcomed 293 of you and our Lincoln Road Campus welcomed 1,510 of you for worship. Each campus was blessed to witness three baptisms during their services. There were 162 of you who didn't want to miss the final 2014 service so you joined us online.

Many people have been commenting that "they felt like Pastor Jeff was talking right to them" during Sunday's sermon. He reminded us that if we "associate with fools, we become a fool" and if "we associate with wise people, we will be wise". He told us, "You will never regret connection to someone who is moving, serving, and risking everything for Christ".

This weekend you can begin signing up for Spring Growth Groups. Please go by the Adult Booth or click here for more information on how to pick your group and sign up. Growth Groups begin the week of January 25th.

It's not too late to get your end of the year offering in so that you can claim it on this year's taxes. The church will be open until 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 31st, or it can accepted this year if the postmark on your letter is December 31st, or you give securely online by going here. We thank you for your generosity. Our church could not do what we do without you and your gifts.

Our church online has been updated! If you haven't taken a look around, please check us out by going here.

We go back to normal schedules this Sunday. We look forward to seeing you and please start the year out right by bringing a friend with you.

Happy New Year!

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