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Church Life Oct. 9

Welcome to our Church Life blog. We hope you enjoy these weekly updates about the life of our church family.

Last Sunday, Pastor Jeff began his new sermon series, "Mended". God has really blessed our Pastor with the ability to share God's word using humor and things we all experience in life. Pastor Jeff had us laughing so hard that we were in tears but in the next breath, he brought us to tears by the truth of his words. Join us this Sunday as he continues "Mended."

You might have noticed that we had a few more empty seats than usual. Normally on a holiday weekend we notice a decline in attendance, but we feel like this Sunday might have something to do with all the big football games that happened on Saturday. Remember in Pastor Jeff's message, he said something like, "it would be nice if God was worshipped as much as we worship our sports teams." So, with that being said, if you missed the message on Sunday, you can watch it here.

Fortunately, there were 367 folks at the Hunt Club enjoying God's message. Our Lincoln Road Campus had 2130 folks and 204 folks jumped online to share in our worship experience.

The October Club FX was last Sunday night and there were 640 children and their families participating in this high energy worship service.

We can't wait to see you on Sunday!

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